Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wise Words From Stargate!

Posted For 2/14/18 -- Updated 3/29/18

"The very young don't always do as they are told."  Currently watching Stargate SG-1: season one and I just made it past the episode named "The Nox".  It's quite an amazing episode! One of my top 5 favorites in the first season!

I have some awesome friends around! They were very sneaky when they got my car when it was covered with snow last week! They're so very funny as well!!

I would never trade them for the world! They are the freaking best!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

It's Been One Week...

...since the closing of the bookstore!  It felt weird not having to get ready for work there on Wednesday and even for this morning!  It still doesn't feel real!  But it was great to work with some of the greatest people there!

"When one door closes, another one opens." That's one of my mottos!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

We've Almost Reached The End!

Book World's last and final day is Saturday, January 27, 2018.  I'm still trying to process the emotion of one of my job's ending, especially since I only started in September 2017. Very depressing, indeed!  At least I get to see signs like these before we close our doors!!

Elizabeth is a fabulous artist with the marker board!  I love it!!

Two agonizing hours left until the mall closes!  Can it not come sooner?!

My favorite movie in theatres right now is The Greatest Showman!  It's about how PT Barnum came up with the idea of the circus, that is now known famously as Ringling Brother's and Barnum & Bailey's Circus!  Too bad that they closed though since animal rights activists protested about the treatment of the animals!  They even had problems with the cost of putting on the acts!  Very sad!  I just love the history behind the Greatest Show on Earth!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Joyful Friday!

TGIF! At least some people can say that! Me? I'm working the weekend, so my joyful day will be Tuesday! Maybe Sunday, at the earliest!

Busier day at the theatre, that's for sure! Just waiting for 9:30pm to come around so I can go home and watch some movies! Maybe I'll put in The Conjuring! We'll see about that! I need to get to reading though! I'm slacking on that task!

It's weird that the mall closes at 8pm now! I can't believe the mall management didn't tell us down at Book World about the change!

Break time is over, so thanks for tuning in! TTFN: Ta Ta For Now!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas Season

This Christmas was a descent one to say the least! Got a gift card for Subway, a Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 calendar, and a sign to hang up that my parents got from Hobby Lobby! It's a cool freaking sign!

The temperature that accompanies the winter is not my friend! Why can't we have the 60 degree weather and call it good? We've definitely been spoiled these past few months, so I guess this is mother nature's way of telling us she's done being nice this year.

Time will not speed up! We only have 2 people in the store right now. They're just looking around though. Maybe they'll buy something.

So I know that I'm totally being random, but what else is there to write about? I will never write about politics or anything of that accord. It's just too complicated nowadays! People have lost friends that way! You know what beats politics by almost anything?

There are my 4 little kittens that love to purr my ear off: Blackie, Jose, Blaze, and Ninja! They are Mama's Kittens! I'm proud to be their mama! Always will be!!!

I'm happy that I got to see Jenna this past weekend! She made my Christmas a whole lot better!

Looks like I won't be able to see my grandma or any of my relatives on Saturday since I have to work at the theatre. I bet a whole lot of people asked for it off. I'll have to wait til Sunday to open those gifts!

I hope you all have a great holiday season!

Originally Posted: 12/27/17

Thursday, December 21, 2017

What a Wednesday!

Compared to yesterday, today feels like someone driving down the highway going only 35 mph!  I can't believe that the store is over half way cleared out!  It's just too sad to think about right now!

So the new Jumanji movie is out and popular as ever!  I managed to go over to the theatre on my break and when I got there, there was a long line at the box office. I almost forgot that it was the release date for a few movies today! Wow! Crazy how the time flies by around the holidays!

Five days until Christmas!  I have gifts for my parents and brother, but very few for my dad and my brother.  I must get more for them!  I also need to get a gift for my far away friend before she comes home this weekend!  I have Chelsey's and Vinny's.  I still need to get Kami's and Becca's!  They are the hardest to shop for!!!  My head is exploding!!

Why did the mall have to stay open until 10pm anyway this week?  No one comes around at that time, except to see a movie at the theatre!  I'm just ready to see Jumanji tonight!!

Please, enjoy a picture of my baby, Butch!!  I love him!!  He's one of my three ABC kitties!  I miss his brother's: Angel and Cas!

I'm currently reading "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline.  It's kind of a hard read, but it's very interesting!  It's really close to 2018 and I'll have to decide how many books I would like to read for that year!  I am thinking about keeping it the same, and if I manage to achieve it next year, I'll up it for the following year.  Only up by 10 to 15 books though!

So this post was supposed to be published yesterday, but things got all busy and all at the end of the night! Hope y'all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Star Wars Premiere Night...

...and I am at home, watching CSI: Miami and Star Trek: The Next Generation! Relaxing on my day off from both jobs!

So today I finished season 5 of CSI: Miami. I cannot wait to see the beginning of season 6, but that may have to wait until close to the end of the year! (It was a Christmas idea for a relative of mine.) Patience is a virtue, they say!

The next two days are going to be long and tiring for me! I'm ready for it to be Sunday already! I love both of my jobs though!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Book Store Job!!

When I heard that my friend, Jenna, was getting her own store in Jefferson City, Missouri, I was ecstatic for her! She was moving up in life! That meant there was a position open at the West Burlington store! I was in for an interview and out with a job! Jenna's old job! I started on September 5th, 2017! I love my co-workers there!

Jefferson City was scheduled to open on October 3rd, which was a success! But the bad news came less than a month afterwards! My dream of working at a book store was crashing down on me! What a bummer!

My first thought was: What about Jenna and her store?? Why spend the money to open a new store when there was no money in the company?? Make someone move her life to another city just to have her search for a completely new job?? I do miss Jenna though! She's pretty fun to be with!! She's rubbed off on me! That's a good thing!

Mary, Teri, Tamara, and I all pulled mass market paperbacks off the shelves to send back to the publishers/distribution center! It was such a sad day! Half the store is gone, that's for sure!!

Wise Words From Stargate!