Wednesday, January 10, 2018

We've Almost Reached The End!

Book World's last and final day is Saturday, January 27, 2018.  I'm still trying to process the emotion of one of my job's ending, especially since I only started in September 2017. Very depressing, indeed!  At least I get to see signs like these before we close our doors!!

Elizabeth is a fabulous artist with the marker board!  I love it!!

Two agonizing hours left until the mall closes!  Can it not come sooner?!

My favorite movie in theatres right now is The Greatest Showman!  It's about how PT Barnum came up with the idea of the circus, that is now known famously as Ringling Brother's and Barnum & Bailey's Circus!  Too bad that they closed though since animal rights activists protested about the treatment of the animals!  They even had problems with the cost of putting on the acts!  Very sad!  I just love the history behind the Greatest Show on Earth!

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